Day 1
- Why an American Christian Method of Education?
- Biblical Foundations of Education
- How to take and keep notes and research results
- Reasoning, Relating, Recording, Researching
- Timeline with Key links, Biblical reasoning examples
- Key Word Study Methodology
Day 2
- Reflection
- Providential History
- Principles & Leading ideas
- Maps
- Tutorial methods
- Cause to effect reasoning
- Historic study
- Key individual research
Day 3
- Christian Idea of a Child
- Principles continued
- Governmental thinking
- Word Study
- Special Activities
Day 4
- Principles continued
- Reflective thinking and Writing
- Formation of a personalized classroom Constitution
- Lesson Planning (Individualized)
Day 5
- Review
- Personal and professional applications on grade level or age in one subject.
- Important closing and celebration activities
Schedule subject to change based on personal academic needs of attendees in sequence or day.
Once the class is formed and AFI incurs expenses to produce the class (rent a facility, etc.) then there can be no refunds unless it cancels the class.