- We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible Word of God.
- We believe there is but one God, existent in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; that the Son was born of the Virgin Mary; that He is God’s sacrifice for sin.
- We believe in Jesus’ death and bodily resurrection and His ascension.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe God created man in His own image; that man subsequently fell voluntarily; that man needs a Savior to restore him as a son in God’s image.
- We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ for His own.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by wholly indwelling at the new birth when the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life; that the Holy Spirit was also given to the church for the express purpose of revealing Christ.
- We believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit “… with signs following”; that the gifts of the Spirit operate through the members of the Body of Christ.
- We believe in the resurrection of the dead; that through the blood of Jesus the saved live eternally; that the lost will suffer eternal judgement.