Professional Development Teacher Training

When: To be Determined, 5 Days – 8:30 till 4:30 each day
Where: Glory of Zion, 7801 S Interstate 35, Corinth, TX 76210
Tuition: $250 per adult*
Click Here for Detailed Schedule

Teacher’s Mission

  1. Teach a nation to think (reason) logically (from cause to effect) based on principles and leading ideas.
  2. Produce citizens who embrace the law of nature (moral law), individuality, self-government, virtue, and sacred conscience.
  3. Elevate the mind of the learner, to produce courage, animate their industry, and abhor meanness, injustice, and inhumanity
  4. Teach a nation to remember that education and government share a direct causative relationship, and that education is NOT neutral.
  5. Remember that education gives rise to internal and external character and government in the lives of the learner. Teachers bear this immense responsibility. As the student goes, so goes the nation!
  6. Remember the teacher is the best friend and ally to the Legislator by developing a love for the form of government established by the founding father generation of that nation – a Constitutional Federal Republic.

The Approach

The educational method endorsed by AFI must produce a strength of scholarship and character that can uphold the republic given to us by the founding generation. It will be of such strength that it not only upholds it but also reverses the current trend toward democracy, socialism and monarchy.

“We’ve given you a republic … if you can keep it” – B. Franklin


Why the Bible?

  • Parents/Teachers, then, who intend to produce a citizenry that uphold and thrive in a republic must rely heavily on Biblical principles of education and government and teach them intentionally in the classroom. Restoring a Godly education is the only way to displace the ungodly educational process presently used in the USA today!
  • A Godly educational process produces a Godly citizenry able to uphold a republic.
  • An ungodly educational process produces an ungodly citizenry able to uphold a democracy or monarchy (results: LOSS OF LIBERTY)

The Challenge

The challenge is before you!

  • Will you accept the charge to reeducate yourself first
  • Will you accept the charge to educate your children (family) (church) to emulate God and His ways producing “little Christs”?
  • If yes – then let’s begin the reeducation process and convey it to loved ones. Get your training now!

When: June 21, 22, 24, 25, 26 – 8:30 till 4:30 each day
Where: Glory of Zion, 7801 S Interstate 35, Corinth, TX 76210
Tuition: $250 per adult*
Click Here for Detailed Schedule

*Family discount available. Change SEATS to 2 and use SPOUSE for the discount code while registering.